Maine cancels all high school spring sports for 2021
Heston Curry 4/9/2020
As coronavirus looms, the state of Maine in a very dumb and stupid move has decided to cancel spring sports for 2021. To me, this is a big loss to this coronavirus. And while I understand in many ways that this might be necessary, I still find it a very dumb and stupid move on behalf of the school board of Maine. To me seeing this really frightens me because as a 17 year old high school football player in Florida entering my senior year next year, I am worried that Florida is going to follow suite and react just as recklessly. It is really going to suck for the seniors going into next school year knowing that they have no chance at an athletic scholarship due to the cancellation of spring sports. I personally see this as a total overreaction and a complete shame that a state would react like this. Maine is so far the first state to have such an extreme reaction like this which could cause other states to follow suite. I really hope it does not come to loosing possibly my last year I will ever play football if I go to a college that does have football and possibly my only chance I have left to play high school football. I really hope it does not come to completely cancelling football but how I see it is what am I going to do about it. Anyways, this was more of a personal blog but you are reading this, thank you for your understanding.
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